Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well it has been a LONG time since I wrote anything on here, almost a year. Yikes! Where to begin...Walden is 15 months now, Bill turns 30 in May and I still have a over a year before I take that scary dive into my 30's...Bill and I are both full-time students, letting those student loans rack up! Walden had a wonderful 1st birthday surrounded by lots of friends and family. We made many camping trips, beach trips and like trips this past summer and have plans for more of the same this year. We ventured up to Seattle for the weekend and out to Bend as well.

I think that pretty much sums up what has been going on in our lives since I last updated! Everyone is healthy and happy....which brings us to Easter today. Had lots of friends and family over, a big egg hunt with several kids, and LOTS of food! I also have the sweetest boyfriend in the WORLD! He took the time to make me a wooden planter and fill it with wine, candy, flowers, a gift card for coffee and a gift card for a pedicure! I feel SO special!!

Anyhow, I will try to keep up on this blog more ofter so I don't feel so overwhelmed when I update! I added a picture of us from the park a few weeks ago so you can see how much my boy has grown! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This baby of mine! He is growing up so fast....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I have been drowning in school work the past few weeks! I have a full load this Summer and the classes are all accelerated. Ugh! Anyhow, I had the time to go rafting with some good friends last week and I have the picture to prove it! That's me second to the back on the right. Everyone here is asleep, so I guess I better join them. I have to write a paper that is due tomorrow that I haven't started yet.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Still traumatized over the death of Michael Jackson....but in other news, we have been really busy lately. I have school that sucks up any spare moment I may have and not to mention raising a baby. We did get to take a break and go to the Oregon Country Fair on Saturday down in Veneta. That is always interesting, really good people watching and great food! We ran into Bill's brother Scott and his lovely fiance just long enough for Walden to acquire a new hat! We managed to score a baby backpack off of Craigslist just in time too! I couldn't imagine pushing a stroller around that crowd. Next weekend I get to try my hand at rafting, something I wanted to do last summer but got pregnant instead.
Walden has been teething off and on for about a month, but no teeth have come through yet. He seems to be whining constantly over it. Not crying, not talking, something inbetween that has a pitch to it that will drive you mad! But not me, its the sound only a mother could tolerate for more than 30 seconds. At this moment he is going to get coffee with his dad and then we are going to go get a new blanket. He seems to have lost his favorite stinky blanket with elephants on it.
As you can see I have not much to say today, so I better get back to homework, texting Rebecca and waiting for Walden to bring me some coffee :)

Friday, June 26, 2009


Everyone seems to be making statements and voicing opinions about Michael Jackson's sudden death. So I thought I should do my part and let you know how sad I am. It's been said that wrote the soundtrack to our lives and its so true. You can't go to a wedding, club, school dance, karaoke bar or watch commercials without hearing one of his songs. His music reached people of all races, political backgrounds and ages. Anyone who knows about music and song writing can listen to any song of his and hear pure genius. He was a strange man who didn't fit in with main stream society, but he really moved people with his music. Literally. I can't listen to PYT or Beat It and not sing along or dance in my car. I get teary eyed whenever I hear Man in the Mirror. I remember listening to Thriller as a little, little kid and mimicking his dance moves and being terrified of the music video. His music was so far ahead of his time and there will never be another mad man like him. Walden already gets to hear Michael Jackson whenever we are in the car and I hope he enjoys hearing his songs as much as I do. It truly is the end of an era, but his music will live on forever. RIP MJ!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day?

Happy Fathers Day to all those fathers who play a productive role in their children's lives. No matter how old you are, you still want your dad around to do dad things with you and your children. I am very lucky that Walden has a dad whose eyes light up when we enter a room. Walden is his best little buddy and I hope it stays that way forever. I on the other hand have a father who I feel, basically traded us in for a more white trashy version. I sent him a Happy Fathers Day text message this morning because I love him regardless of how he has treated the family. We used to be really close and I would talk to him like 10 times a day. He coached my little league teams and was always the first person I called when I had a bad day. He was one of the funniest and kindest people on the planet. He changed though and left us (my mother and 3 brothers) right after my son was born and has made himself scarce ever since. On a less depressing note, I have hope that one day he will pull his head out of his ass and see how much he is missing out on with his children. So to fathers who are are hanging in there and showing their children unconditional love, I say way to go!

Friday, June 19, 2009

How could I be so rude!

In all this talk of my own son, I forgot to mention that we invited a new cousin into the family on Wednesday the 17th! Zoe Blair was born to my older brother Brooks and his wife Angie. Now Brody has a little sister!! Here's a picture of the gorgeous little redhead and her Uncle Bill. 3 kids in the family under the age of 2. Whew!!! Holidays should be fun!